principles/checklist for refactor
- small
- safe
- improve
- readable
- meet with human god feelings
- naming correctly
- testable
- readable
good practice
- don’t modify param
- don’t mass up input and output
- e.g.
6Param someMethod(Param p){
return p;
- e.g.
- one responsibility for one method
- pass only the parameters needed by method
- keep smallest visibility
- use design pattern correctly
- UT
- can run locally
- fast
- as doc to tell users how to use the method
case study
refactor long refreshUserGroup method
- do update and conditional dispatch in one method
- modify parameter
- parse whole cmd but use part of the params
- no UT, just using testNG(integration test ~20 cases)
- need to run tomcat to run cases
- long time to run cases(~7 minutes)
- dependency between cases(must run in a certain order)
- dependency on db initial data
- no pipeline
- code too large
- out of memory when running locally
- long time to compile(~7 minutes)
- after dispached in one case, outside of that class, actually modify the param and call itself for update again
- misuse of parameter, eg isrefreshAll actually int, set to _99 to mean another case
- cmd execute is common way to implement a service, actually naming is bad, bacause not preventing any information…
- separate update logic and dispatch logic
- separate input with output
- add UT
- only pass params that used to methods
refactor 30000 line code UserDAO
- too large
- own by multiple teams
- user specific logics and application specific logics together
- referenced by other modules by jar dependency
- remove unused methods
- move some to new user specific logic UserDAO and some to application DAO
- make original one a delegate to new ones
- add UT
- rely on interfaces between modules,interface be small
- adapters in caller,学习型测试
UT for singlton RuleEngine
- different tests for different scenarios
- misuse of singleton
- class name XXFactory, actually not, it is a singleton and not producing XX Bean
- modify UT to add mock for different scenarios
UT for smart controller
- too much logic done by smart widgets, not easy to test
- verify if update methods called
- some logic move to service level to reuse code
- only test code written by you