

Git 是 Linus Torvalds 为了帮助管理 Linux 内核开发而开发的一个开放源码的版本控制软件。

  • git help xxx
    • git help workflows
    • git help everyday
    • git help tutorial
    • git help revisions
  • chmod -R u+w .git


  • global ignore
    • git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
    • e.g.
  • git config –list 看所有用户
  • proxy
    • git config –global –unset https.proxy
    • git config –global –unset http.proxy
    • git config –global http.proxy ‘proxy.example.com:8080’
    • git config –global https.proxy ‘socks5://’’
    • git config –global http.proxy http://proxy.example.com:8080
    • git config –global https.proxy http://proxy.example.com:8080
  • git config --global commit.template ~/commit_template.txt



  • git status -u(-uall) show all files untracked
  • git clean -df 删除所有untracked的文件
  • git ls-files 看已经被提交的
  • git update-index --assume-unchanged xx/xx/configuration.xml ignore file
  • init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
    • git init
    • git init-db 则在当前目录中产生一个.git 的子目录。
    • 创建新git
      • mkdir WebApp
      • cd WebApp
      • git init
      • touch README
      • git add README
      • git commit -m ‘first commit’
      • git remote add origin xxxx.git
      • git push -u origin master
  • bisect Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
  • diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
    • git diff –cached
      • see what you’ve staged that will go into your next commit
    • git diff –cached 或 $ git diff –staged 查看尚未提交的更新
  • grep Print lines matching a pattern
  • log Show commit logs
    • git log -p ./manifest.yml
  • show Show various types of objects
  • status Show the working tree status
    • git status 查看当前状态
  • blame
    • git blame xx.java
      • git blame xx.xml -L 1 第一行开始

        Stash <-> Workspace

  • git stash list
  • git stash push 将文件给push到一个临时空间中
  • git stash pop 将文件从临时空间pop下来
  • git stash drop 删掉上一个stash
  • git stahs clear

Workspace -> Staged

  • git add [fileName | path]
    • git add .
    • git add –all
  • mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
  • restore Restore working tree files
  • rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index
    • git rm a.a 移除文件(从暂存区和工作区中删除)
    • git rm –cached a.a 移除文件(只从暂存区中删除)
    • git rm -f a.a 强行移除修改后文件(从暂存区和工作区中删除)
    • git删除文件
      • rm add2.txt
      • git rm add2.txt
      • git commit -m “rm test”
      • git push web
    • at server
      • cd /var/www/foo.git;sudo git update-server-info
    • 检查删除效果
      • rm foo3 -rf
      • git clone xxx/foo.git foo3
    • 更新已经存在的local code
      • cd foo2
      • git remote add web [user]@[ip]:/var/www/foo.git/
      • git pull web master

        Staged -> Workspace

  • git reset 撤销add
    • git reset HEAD [fileName] If no fileName, all staged files will be reset to untraced or not staged.
    • git reset head^
    • git reset –hard origin/master

      Staged -> Local Repo

  • commit
    • git commit –amend
    • git commit -am “init” 提交并且加注释
    • git commit -a
      • -a是代表all,把所有的change加到git index里然后再commit
      • -v 当你用-v参数的时候可以看commit的差异
      • -m “This is the message describing the commit” 添加commit信息
      • –amend
  • branch
    • 查看本地分支:$ git branch
      • git branch -a 查看所有的分支
      • 查看远程分支:$ git branch -r
    • 创建本地分支:$ git branch [name] —-注意新分支创建后不会自动切换为当前分支
      • git branch branch_0.1 master 从主分支master创建branch_0.1分支
      • git branch -m branch_0.1 branch_1.0 将branch_0.1重命名为branch_1.0
      • git branch –set-upstream-to=origin/master feature1
    • 切换分支:$ git checkout [name]
      • git checkout branch_1.0/master 切换到branch_1.0/master分支
      • git checkout –track origin/dev 切换到远程dev分支
      • git checkout -b dev 建立一个新的本地分支dev
      • git checkout dev 切换到本地dev分支
      • git checkout xxx.java
      • git checkout HEAD~2 current work point 向上移动2个提交
    • 删除分支:$ git branch -d [name]
      • -d选项只能删除已经参与了合并的分支,对于未有合并的分支是无法删除的。
      • -D force delete
        • git branch -D develop 删除本地库develop
  • 创建空的分支:(执行命令之前记得先提交你当前分支的修改,否则会被强制删干净没得后悔)
    • $git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/[name]
    • $rm .git/index
    • $git clean -fdx
  • merge
    • git merge [name] —-将名称为[name]的分支与当前分支合并
    • git mergetool
    • 同一个分支提交起冲突的时
      • git add
      • git commit
      • git pull –rebase
      • 修改本地代码
      • git push
    • 不同分支提交冲突时
      • git add
      • git commit
      • git merge master(master分支合并到本地分支)
      • 修改本地文件
      • git add
      • git commit
      • git push
    • 方案一
      1. updatea master to latest
      • git checkout master
      • git fetch origin
      • git pull –rebase
      1. update 冲突branch to master
      • git rebase master
      1. 解决冲突后
      • git add –all
      • git rebase –continue
      • git commit –amend
    • 方案二
      1. checout a new branch to latest
      • git checkout -b merge1 origin/master
      • git fetch origin
      • git pull
      1. update 冲突branch to the new branch
      • git rebase merge1
      1. 解决冲突后
      • git add –all
      • git rebase –continue
      • git commit –amend
  • rebase Reapply commits on top of another base tip
    • git rebase -i HEAD~3
    • git rebase -i 3a4226b
    • git rebase -i origin/master
    • git rebase origin/master
    • git rebase origin/master branchname
    • git rebase –continue
    • git rebase –skip
    • Squashing Your Commits
      • git rebase -i HEAD~3 This will bring you into your editor with some text that will look something like this:

        pick df94881 Allow install to SD
        pick a7323e5 README Junkyism
        pick 3ead26f rm classpath from git

      • To squash those commits into one, change to something like this:

        pick df94881 Allow install to SD
        squash a7323e5 README Junkyism
        squash 3ead26f rm classpath from git

      • Then, save/quit
  • switch Switch branches
  • tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
    • 查看版本:$ git tag
    • 创建版本:$ git tag [name]
    • 删除版本:$ git tag -d [name]
    • 查看远程版本:$ git tag -r
    • 创建带注释的tag:$ git tag -a [name] -m ‘yourMessage’
  • cherry-pick
    • git cherry-pick

Local Repo -> Remote Repo

  • push Update remote refs along with associated objects
    • git push [远程仓库名] [branchname] 将本地分支推送到服务器上去
      • git push origin master 将本地项目给提交到服务器中
      • git push origin test:master 提交本地test分支作为远程的master分支
        • 删除远程分支:git push origin :heads/[name] 或 git push origin :[name]
      • git push origin –delete feature/login
      • 删除远程版本:git push origin :refs/tags/[name]
      • 上传本地tag到远程仓库:git push origin –tags

        Remote Repo -> Local Repo

  • git clone xxxxxxx.git 从服务器上将代码给拉下来
  • fetch Download objects and refs from another repository
    • git fetch origin
    • git fetch -p origin
      • prune local “cache” of remote branches
  • pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
    • 拉取远程仓库:$ git pull [remoteName] [localBranchName]
    • 合并远程仓库的tag到本地:$ git pull origin –tags
    • git pull -t
      • -t is pull tags

        Remote Repo

  • 查看远程仓库:$ git remote -v
  • 添加远程仓库:$ git remote add [name] [url]
  • 删除远程仓库:$ git remote rm [name]
  • 修改远程仓库:$ git remote set-url –push [name] [newUrl]
  • git remote show origin,显示远程库origin里的资源
    • git remote show 查看远程库
  • git remote prune origin 删除本地缓存的远程分支,还你一个清晰的git branch -r:


  • 添加子模块:$ git submodule add [url] [path]
    • 如:$git submodule add git://github.com/soberh/ui-libs.git src/main/webapp/ui-libs
  • 初始化子模块:$ git submodule init —-只在首次检出仓库时运行一次就行
  • 更新子模块:$ git submodule update —-每次更新或切换分支后都需要运行一下
  • 删除子模块:(分4步走哦)
    • $ git rm –cached [path]
    • 编辑“.gitmodules”文件,将子模块的相关配置节点删除掉
    • 编辑“ .git/config”文件,将子模块的相关配置节点删除掉
    • 手动删除子模块残留的目录


  • Automatically add Change-Id to your commit
    • touch ~/commit_template.txt
    • scp -p -P 29418 <your username>@<your Gerrit review server>:hooks/commit-msg <local path to your git>/.git/hooks/ 下载生成Change-Id脚本
      • 测试生成脚本
        echo "change-id" > testChangeid.txt
        ./git/hooks/commit-msg testChangeid.txt
        cat testChangeid.txt
    • commit template: git config --global commit.template ~/commit_template.txt
      • ~/.gitconfig

        template = ~/commit_template.txt

      • ~/commit-template.txt

        some comments
        Signed-off-by: MyName

    • then git commit will automatically generate Change-Id
      • check <your repo>/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG has Author and Change-Id
  • git push origin HEAD:refs/for/<branch>



  • git fsck –full –strict
  • git prune -v
  • git repack -adf –window=5
  • git gc –aggressive

Github fork

  • click ‘Fork’
  • git clone your-ssh-git-url
  • git remote add –track master upstream git://github.com/upstreamname/projectname.git
    • git remote add upstream git://github.com/upstream/project
  • git fetch upstream
  • git merge upstream/master
  • git branch newfeature
  • git checkout newfeature

Submitting a Pull Request

  • git push origin newfeature
  • click ‘Pull Request’
  • click ‘Submit Pull Request’
  • click ‘Merge’
